C4H – Connected 4 Health

Global obesity levels have been on the rise over the past 3 decades.

There is often a stigma attached to obesity, especially in the modern thin-obsessed culture, which challenges adolescents to make friends and thus benefit from social support.

Severebody image dissatisfaction and body weight and shape preoccupation are the most robust predictors of the development of eating disorders.

Eating disorders can affect individuals from different age groups, the average age of onset being during adolescence.

The project is addressed to:

  • Lecturers/trainers in nutrition/dieteticsand diabetology, psychotherapy, medical communication, physiotherapy, pediatrics, etc.;
  • Residents in different specializations with an interest in patient nutrition issues(medicine, dietetics/nutrition, nursing, kinesiology), registered nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in nutrition, physiotherapy, counselling;
  • Master students and students in clinical years.
The purposes of C4H project is:

  • Provide lecturers/ trainers in universities with skills, knowledge, methods and tools to explore and address teaching/training obesity and EDs trough a trans-disciplinary, integrated approach;
  • Help residents and students to consolidate their knowledge and skills in approaching patients with obesity and eating disorders;
  • Support specialists in different medical fields to acquire new trans-disciplinary knowledge and skills to deal with such patients.
For the purpose the project will develop and make accessible:

  • PR1: HANDBOOK – Cultural and Historical Perspectives on Obesity and Eating Disorders,
  • PR2: SYLLABUS OF SEMINAR – Multidisciplinary Approach to Young People with Obesity and Eating Disorders,
  • PR3: TRAINING PACKAGE – Effective management of young patients with obesity and eating disorders.