Asist. dr Rada Jeremić

Rada Jeremić

dr Rada Jeremić je saradnik u nastavi zaposlena od 2017. godine na Institutu za Medicinsku fiziologiju, Medicinskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu. Medicinski fakultet, Univeziteta u Beogradu završila je 2015. godine. Doktorske akademske studije, modul Fiziološke nauke upisala je 2015. godine. Na osnovnoj specijalizaciji je iz Interne medicine.

Oblasti užeg interesovanja:

Interna medicina, Hiperbarična medicina


Učešće na stručnim simpozijumima i naučnim konferencijama:

  1. 7th Congress of Serbian Neuroscience with international participation{/ConferenceProceedingsTitle PT}; {PT DateOfConference}October 25th – 27th{/DateOfConference PT}; {PT PlaceOfConference}Belgrade, Serbia.{/PlaceOfConference PT} {PT PlaceOfPub}{PT Year}
  2. IX International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine{/ConferenceProceedingsTitle PT}; {PT DateOfConference} May 11th – 14th{/DateOfConference PT}; {PT PlaceOfPub}Belgrade, Serbia{/PlaceOfPub PT}. {/Publisher PT}{PT Year}
  3. 19th European Congress of Endocrinology. May 20 – 23; Lisabon, Portugal. 2017.
  4. 18th European Congress of Endocrinology. May 28 – 31; Munich, Germany. 2016.
  5. 2nd International Student Congress. June 4 – 6; Graz, Austria. 2015.
  6. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. 24 – 28. april; Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija. 2015.
  7. 1st Global Students’ Conference of Biomedical Sciences. October 2 – 5; Belgrade, Serbia. 2014.
  8. 9th Young European Scientist Meeting. September 18 – 21; Porto, Portugal. 2014.
  9. XIII International Congress of Medical Sciences. May 8 – 11; Sofia, Bulgaria. 2014.
  10. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. 26 – 30. april; Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija. 2014.
  11. 24th European Students’ Conference. September 4 – 7; Berlin, Germany. 2013.
  12. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. 28. april – 02. maj; Kopaonik, Srbija. 2013.
  13. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. 26 – 30. april; Kopaonik, Srbija. 2012.

Poglavlje IN PRESS

  1. Pekovic S, Dacic S, Krstic D, Jeremic R, Djelic M, Brkic P. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in traumatic brain injury: cellular and molecular mechanisms. IN: Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Research and Clinical Practice – Mechanisms of Action in Focus. 2017.

Spisak naučnih radova:

  1. Jeremic R, Dacic S, Brkic P, Djelic M, Jovanovic T, Pekovic S{/Authors PT}. {PT Editors} Hyperbaric oxygenation enhances neurogenesis after injury to adult rat brain. {/Editors PT}{PT ConferenceProceedingsTitle}7th Congress of Serbian Neuroscience with international participation{/ConferenceProceedingsTitle PT}. {PT DateOfConference}Belgrade, Serbia.{/PlaceOfConference PT} 2017 October 25th – 27th{/DateOfConference PT}{PT PlaceOfConference}{PT PlaceOfPub}{PT PaperPageRange}. Abstract book, p. {/PaperPageRange PT}
  1. Brkic P, Dacic S, Jeremic R, Jovanovic T, Pekovic S.{/Authors PT}{PT ConferenceProceedingsTitle} The efect of hyperbaric oxygenation on neurogenesis after brain injury in adult rats. IX International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine{/ConferenceProceedingsTitle PT}. {PT DateOfConference} Belgrade, Serbia{/PlaceOfPub PT}. 2017 May 11th – 14th{/DateOfConference PT}.{PT PlaceOfPub} {PT Publisher} {PT Year}{/Year PT}{PT PaperPageRange}{/PaperPageRange PT}Abstract book, p. 45
  1. Djelic M, Mazic S, Sumarac Dumanovic M, Jeremic R, Vujovic A, Durmic T, Cvetkovic S, Micic D. Impact of exercise training on insulin sensitivity estimated by HOMA model in elite athletes: association with body composition. 19th European Congress of Endocrinology. Lisabon, Portugal. 2017 May 20 – 23. doi: 10.1530/endoabs.49.EP470.
  1. Djelic M, Trajkovic V, Sumarac Dumanovic M, Mazic S, Durmic T, Jeremic R, Bjelic A, Micic D. Pro-inflammatory cytokines responses to acute exercise in athletes and sedentary controls: association with body composition and insulin. 18th European Congress of Endocrinology. Munich, Germany. 2016 May 28 – 31. Abstract book, p. 378.
  1. Jeremić R, Jeremić M, Bjelić A, Đelić M. The relationship between body fat percentage and resting blood pressure in elite athletes. 2nd International Student Congress. Graz, Austria. 2015 June 4 – Abstract book, p. 66.
  1. Bjelić A, Jeremić R, Đelić M. Growth hormone response to acute exercise in elite male volleyball players. 2nd International Student Congress. Graz, Austria. 2015 June 4 – Abstract book, p. 105.
  1. Jeremić R, Bjelić A, Adžić N. Nivo proinflamatornih citokina kod fizički aktivnih ispitanika i sedentarne kontrole: povezanost sa telesnom kompozicijom i insulinskom senzitivnošću. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. Vrnjačka Banja, 24 – 28. april 2015. godine. Knjiga sažetaka, CD, str. 674.
  1. Bjelić A, Jeremić R. Nivo leptina kod fizički aktivnih i neaktivnih osoba sa različitim procentom telesnih masti. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. Vrnjačka Banja, 24 – 28. april 2015. godine. Knjiga sažetaka, CD, str. 662.
  1. Bjelić A, Jeremić R. Free fatty acid level response to high-intensity acute exercise in athletes with different body composition. 1st Global Students’ Conference of Biomedical Sciences. Belgrade, Serbia. 2014 October 2 – Abstract book, p. 62.
  1. Jeremić R, Bjelić A, Jeremić M. Leptin response to high-intensity acute exercise in athletes with different body composition. 1st Global Students’ Conference of Biomedical Sciences. Belgrade, Serbia. 2014 October 2 – 5. Abstract book, p. 63.
  2. Jeremić R, Jeremić M, Bjelić A, Rogač Ž. Growth hormone and fatty acid response to acute exercise in elite male athletes. XIII International Congress of Medical Sciences. Sofia, Bulgaria. 2014 May 8 – 11. Abstract book, p. 118. Supplement to issue I/2014, Tribuna mediva LXVI.
  1. Jeremić R, Jeremić M, Bjelić A. Effects of acute high-intensity exercise on plasma IL-17 concentration in elite athletes. 9th Young European Scientist Meeting. Porto, Portugal. 2014 September 18 – 21. Abstract book, CD, p. 56
  2. Jeremić R, Bjelić A. Pozitivan uticaj nivoa adiponektina na remodulaciju srca kod vrhunskih sportista. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. Vrnjačka Banja, 26 – 30. april 2014. godine. Knjiga sažetaka, CD, str. 720.
  1. Bjelić A, Jeremić R. Povezanost nivoa adipocitokina i telesne kompozicije kod vrhunskih sportista. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. Vrnjačka Banja, 26 – 30. april 2014. godine. Knjiga sažetaka, CD, str. 708.
  1. Jeremić R, Bjelić A. Adipocytokines profile in elite athletes with different body composition: a comparison of volleyball players, water polo players and controls. 24th European Students’ Conference. Berlin, Germany. 2013 September 4 – 7. Abstract book, p. 117.
  1. Jeremić R, Bjelić A. Učestalost elektofizioloških promena karakterističnih za sportsko srce kod vrhunskih sportista. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. Kopaonik, 28. april – 02. maj 2013. godine. Knjiga sažetaka, str. 421.
  1. Bjelić A, Jeremić R. Odgovor proinflamatornih citokina na test fizičkog opterećenja kod fizički aktivnih i neaktivnih ispitanika. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. Kopaonik, 28. april – 02. maj 2013. godine. Knjiga sažetaka, str. 406.
  1. Jeremić R, Bjelić A, Skorupan N. Metabolički odgovor na test fizičkog opterećenja kod fizički aktivnih i neaktivnih ispitanika. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. Kopaonik, 26 – 30. april 2012. godine. Knjiga sažetaka, str. 136. (izborom Uredništva Medicinskog podmlatka rad publikovan u celosti)
  1. Bjelić A, Berisavac J, Jeremić R. Odgovor hipotalamus-hipofiza-nadbubreg osovine na test fizičkog opterećenja kod fizički aktivnih i neaktivnih ispitanika. Kongres studenata biomedicinskih nauka Srbije sa internacionalnim učešćem. Kopaonik, 26 – 30. april 2012. godine. Knjiga sažetaka, str. 124.

Nagrade i priznanja:

  • 2015. Jednomesečna stipendija za usavršavanje studenata na Univerzitetu u Hamburgu
  • 2014 – 2015. Stipendija Fonda za mlade talente – stipendija završne godine studija u Republici Srbiji
  • 2014. Third Place, Preclinic Poster Session with research Growth hormone and fatty acid response to acute exercise in elite male athletes“, XIII International Congress of Medical Sciences. Sofia, Bulgaria. 2014 May 8 – 11.
  • 2013 – 2014. Stipendija Zadužbine Dragoljuba Marinkovića
  • 2011. Pohvalnica Dekana Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu za najboljeg studenta druge godine u školskoj 2010/11. godini
  • 2010 – 2013. Stipendija i kredit Ministarstva prosvete Republike Srbije