Assistant Dr. Nikola Topalovic has been employed in the Department of Medical Physiology at the University of Belgrade since October of 2015. From 2013 to 2015, he served specialization in pediatric surgery for the Institute of Health Care for Mothers and Children of Serbia. Currently, he is on his second year of specialization in Sports Medicine. He enrolled in a Doctorate Program in 2016 for “Applied Research in Sports Medicine and Motor Skills”, as well as Master studies for “Physical Activity, Health and Exercise Therapy”. In 2013, he was chosen as the doctor for the Serbian Rugby representation, and all national rugby clubs, and in 2015, was chosen as the doctor for the professional senior team in handball for the club Crvena Zvezda. In 2017, he became a team associate for heart transplantation at the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases in Dedinje, Serbia. Here, he conducts general as well as specific sports-medical check up
Fields of interests:
Sports supplementation and nutrition, prevention and rehabilitation of injuries in sport, ergospirometry, and time-dosing physical activity.
Professional symposiums and scientific conferences:
- Kinesio Taping Course KT1, Belgrade, Serbia April 2015
- Diagnostic Ultrasound Course at Clinical Center in Belgrade, Serbia, 2015
- International Association of Sports Medicine Doctors—Team Physician Development Course (FIMS2016) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 2016
- International Olympics Committee—Course in New Approach in Assessing Sports Cardiology: Current Concepts in Evaluating Athletes’ Heart in Belgrade, Serbia, 2017
- First Aid Course (Red Cross Serbia) in Belgrade, Serbia 2017
- European Rugby Association—Prevention of Injuries in Rugby in London, UK, 2017
- Research in New Concepts of Physiological Basics of the Process of Aging in Belgrade, Serbia, 2017
List of scientific papers:
- Topalović N, Curcic S. Sports Heart Syndrome. National Conference with International Participation – Physical Culture and Modern Society, Jagodina, Serbia 15. – 16. June 2013 Abstract book 2014; 17: 165-72.
- Mazic S, Topalović N. Dosing physical activity in prevention and therapy of the disease. Sport and business. 2016 April; 2: 75-9.
- Topalović N, Mazic S. The most common cause of sudden cardiac death in athletes. Medical Youth. 2016 Jun; 67 (2): 51-5.
- Nesic D, Suzic Lazic J, Djuric B, Topalovic N, Mutavdzin S, Suzic S, Mazic S. 1199 ,Nutritional status better correlates with aminotransferase levels in female athletes. FIMS 2016 – 34th World Congress of Sports Medicine, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 29th – October 02nd, 2016. Abstract book.
- Đurić B, Mutavdžin S, Topalović N. The influence of different types of excercise on autonomic tone in elite athletes. Second international scientific conference „Sport, recreation, health“, Belgrade, Serbia, 12-13 May, 2017, Apstract book 2017: 74.
- Janković G, Stanojević Ž, Mazić S, Topalović N, Đurđević D, Isaković A. Physical activity and dietary habits among second year students in School of Medicine, University of Belgrade. Facta Universitatis, Series Physical Education and Sport. 2017; 15 (2): ,239-248.
- Topalovic N. PGC-1 Α in biogenesis of mitochondria and aging. National symposium “New directions in the research of the physiological basis of the aging process”, Belgrade, Serbia, July 2, 2017. Abstract book, p10.
Chapters in books, textbooks and practicums:
- Mazić S, Topalović N. Physical activity in pregnancy. In: A manual for team work in parenting schools. Editor: Matijević D., City Institute for Public Health Belgrade, Belgrade, 2016.