Dr. Rada Jeremić is a teaching assistant at the Institute of Medical Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, since 2017. She graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, in 2015. The module of Physiology Science (doctoral academic studies) was enrolled in 2015. She enrolled in a Specialization from Internal medicine in 2017.
Fields of interests:
Internal medicine, Hyperbaric medicine
- Pekovic S, Dacic S, Krstic D, Jeremic R, Djelic M, Brkic P. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in traumatic brain injury: cellular and molecular mechanisms. IN: Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Research and Clinical Practice – Mechanisms of Action in Focus. 2017.
Participation in symposiums and scientific conferences::
- Jeremic R, Dacic S, Brkic P, Djelic M, Jovanovic T, Pekovic S{/Authors PT}. {PT Editors} Hyperbaric oxygenation enhances neurogenesis after injury to adult rat brain. {/Editors PT}{PT ConferenceProceedingsTitle}7th Congress of Serbian Neuroscience with international participation{/ConferenceProceedingsTitle PT}. Belgrade, Serbia. 2017 {PT DateOfConference}October 25th – 27th{/DateOfConference PT}.{PT PlaceOfConference}{/Publisher PT}{PT Year}{/Year PT}{PT PaperPageRange} Abstract book, {/PaperPageRange PT}84. {PT DOI}{/DOI PT}
- Brkic P, Dacic S, Jeremic R, Jovanovic T, Pekovic S.{/Authors PT}{PT ConferenceProceedingsTitle} The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on neurogenesis after brain injury in adult rats. IX International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine{/ConferenceProceedingsTitle PT}. {PT DateOfConference}Belgrade, Serbia. 2017 May 11th – 14th{/DateOfConference PT}. Abstract book, {PT PlaceOfPub} {/PlaceOfPub PT} 26. {PT Publisher}{/Publisher PT} {PT Year}{/Year PT}{PT PaperPageRange} {/PaperPageRange PT}
- Djelic M, Mazic S, Sumarac Dumanovic M, Jeremic R, Vujovic A, Durmic T, Cvetkovic S, Micic D. Impact of exercise training on insulin sensitivity estimated by HOMA model in elite athletes: association with body composition.19th European Congress of Endocrinology. Lisabon, Portugal. 2017 May 20th – 23rd. doi: 10.1530/endoabs.49.EP470.
- Djelic M, Trajkovic V, Sumarac Dumanovic M, Mazic S, Durmic T, Jeremic R, Bjelic A, Micic D. Pro-inflammatory cytokines responses to acute exercise in athletes and sedentary controls: association with body composition and insulin.18th European Congress of Endocrinology. Munich, Germany. 2016 May 28th – 31st. Abstract book, p. 378.
- Jeremić R, Jeremić M, Bjelić A, Đelić M. The relationship between body fat percentage and resting blood pressure in elite athletes.2nd International Student Congress. Graz, Austria. 2015 June 4th – 6th. Abstract book, p. 66.
- Bjelić A, Jeremić R, Đelić M. Growth hormone response to acute exercise in elite male volleyball players. 2nd International Student Congress. Graz, Austria. 2015 June 4th – 6th. Abstract book, p. 105.
- Jeremić R, Bjelić A, Adžić N. Pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in water polo players and sedentary controls: relations with body composition and insulin sensitivity.56th Congress of Biomedical Science Students of Serbia with international participation. Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia. 2015April 24th – 28th. Abstract book, p. 674.
- Bjelić A,Jeremić R. Leptine levels in physically active and inactive persons with different percentage of body fat. 56th Congress of Biomedical Science Students of Serbia with international participation. Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia. April 24th – 28th; 2015. Abstract book, p. 662.
- Bjelić A, Jeremić R. Free fatty acid level response to high-intensity acute exercise in athletes with different body composition. 1st Global Students’ Conference of Biomedical Sciences. Belgrade, Serbia. 2014 October 2nd – 5th. Abstract book, p. 62.
- Jeremić R, Bjelić A, Jeremić M. Leptin response to high-intensity acute exercise in athletes with different body composition.1st Global Students’ Conference of Biomedical Sciences. Belgrade, Serbia. 2014 October 2nd – 5th. Abstract book, p. 63.
- Jeremić R, Jeremić M, Bjelić A, Rogač Ž. Growth hormone and fatty acid response to acute exercise in elite male athletes.XIII International Congress of Medical Sciences. Sofia, Bulgaria. 2014 May 8th – 11th. Abstract book, p. 118. Supplement to issue I/2014, Tribuna mediva LXVI.
- Jeremić R, Jeremić M, Bjelić A. Effects of acute high-intensity exercise on plasma IL-17 concentration in elite athletes. 9th Young European Scientist Meeting. Porto, Portugal. 2014 September 18th – 21st. Abstract book, CD, p. 56.
- Jeremić R, Bjelić A. Investigation of the significance of adiponectin levels in athletes heart remodelling. 55th Congress of Biomedical Science Students of Serbia with international participation. Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia. 2014 April 26th – 30th. Abstract book, p. 720.
- Bjelić A,Jeremić R. Correlation between levels of adipocytokines and body composition parameters in the elite athletes. 55th Congress of Biomedical Science Students of Serbia with international participation. Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia. 2014 April 26th – 30th. Abstract book, p. 708.
- Jeremić R, Bjelić A. Adipocytokines profile in elite athletes with different body composition: a comparison of volleyball players, water polo players and controls. 24th European Students’ Conference. Berlin, Germany. 2013 September 4th – 7th. Abstract book, p. 117.
- Jeremić R, Bjelić A. Frequency of electrocardiographic changes in athletes. 54th Congress of Biomedical Science Students of Serbia with international participation. Kopaonik, Serbia. 2013 April 28th – May 2nd. Abstract book, p. 421.
- Bjelić A, Jeremić R. Response of pro-inflammatory cytokines on ergospirometric test in physically active and inactive participants.54th Congress of Biomedical Science Students of Serbia with international participation. Kopaonik, Serbia. 2013 April 28th – May 2nd. Abstract book, p. 406.
- Jeremić R, Bjelić A, Skorupan N. Metabolic answer on ergospirometric test in previously highly trained subjects and physically inactive subjects. 53th Congress of Biomedical Science Students of Serbia with international participation. April 26th – 30th. Kopaonik, Serbia. 2012. Abstract book, p. 136.
- Bjelić A, Berisavac J,Jeremić R. Answer of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis on ergospirometric test in physically active and inactive participants. 53th Congress of Biomedical Science Students of Serbia with international participation. April 26th – 30th. Kopaonik, Serbia. 2012. Abstract book, p. 124.
Awards and scholarships:
- Scholarship for medical students at the University of Hamburg, Germany
- 2014-2015. Scholarship “Dositeja”; Young talents fund of Republic Serbia
- Third Place, Preclinic Poster Session with research “Growth hormone and fatty acid response to acute exercise in elite male athletes”, XIII International Congress of Medical Sciences. Sofia, Bulgaria. 2014 May 8 – 11.
- 2013 – 2014. Scholarship “Dragoljub Marinkovic Foundation”, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Commendation to the best student of the 2nd year for school year 2011/2012; School of Medicine, Belgrade University
- 2010 – 2013. Scholarship of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbia