Dr. Slavica Mutavdzin has been a teaching assistant at the Institute of Medical Physiology, Medical Faculty in Belgrade since 2014. She finished The Faculty of Medicine, the University of Belgrade in 2013, and she enrolled specialist academic studies the module Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy in the school year 2013/14. In June 2016, she defended the final work on the topic: “Interactions of anticoagulant and antithrombotic drugs with substances of plant origin”. Mentor of this work was doc. Dr. Dragana Protić. Slavica enrolled Doctoral academic studies, the module of Physiology Science in the school year 2013/14. The topic of the doctoral dissertation “Effects of vitamin B6 and folic acid on the cardiovascular system of rat with diabetes mellitus induced by streptozotocin” was approved at the Council of Scientific Areas of Medical Sciences of the University of Belgrade, and Prof. Dr Dragan Đurić was appointed as mentor. Slavica Mutavdzin is a member of the Laboratory for Cardiovascular Physiology at the Institute of Medical Physiology in which are carried out researches on The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia project “Effects of homocystein and hoomocystein-related substances on the cardiovascular system: the role of gas transmitters NO, H2S and CO” headed by Prof. Dr Dragan Đurić. Also, she is engaged in that project since 2018 year. She enrolled Master Academic Studies Physical Activity, Health and Therapy Practice at Medical Faculty within the Tempus Project, in the school year 2017/18, and her final master work is in the progress.
Fields of interests:
cardiovascular physiology, cardiology, endocrinology, cardiovascular changes induced by diabetes mellitus
Participation in symposiums and scientific conferences:
- IV European Section of IACS (International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences). Pécs, Hungary 28-30 September, 2017 (one of the authors of the presented scientific research)
- IOC Course on Sport Cardiology, Current Concepts in the Evaluation of Athlete’s Heart. Belgrade, Serbia, 28-29. November 2016
- The Third Global Students’ Conference of Biomedical Sciences. Belgrade, Serbia, 20-23. October 2016 (lecturer at the workshop)
- 34th FIMS World Sports Medicine Congress. Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 29 – October 2, 2016 (one of the authors of the presented scientific research)
- The Seventh International Symposium on Neurocardiology and the Sixth International Symposium on Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Belgrade, 16-17. October 2015 (author of the presented scientific research)
- 16th Congress of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology (ISHNE), Lyon, France, 4-6. June 2015 (author of scientific-research papers presented)
- V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Physics and Health: Youth Science and Innovation”, Tula, Russia, May 22, 2015 (one of the authors of the presented scientific research)
- The First Serbian International Sports Medicine Conference, Belgrade, May 21-23, 2015
- 16th Congress of the Russian Society for Holter Monitoring and Noninvasive Electrophysiology, the 8th All-Russian Congress “Clinical Electrocardiology”, 22-23. April 2015, Kazan, Russia (one of the authors of the presented scientific research)
- 3rd Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with international participation, Belgrade, 29-31. October 2014 (One of the authors of the presented scientific-research papers)
- The Sixth International Symposium on Neurocardiology and the Fifth International Symposium on Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Belgrade, 16-17. October 2014 (author of the presented scientific research)
- 15th Congress of the Russian Society for Holter Monitoring and Noninvasive Electrophysiology, the 7th All-Russian Congress “Clinical Electrocardiology”, 23-24. April 2014, Belgorod, Russia (one of the authors of the presented scientific research)
- The Fifth International Symposium on Neurocardiology and the Fourth International Symposium on Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Belgrade, 17-18. October 2013 (one of the authors of the presented scientific research)
List of scientific papers:
Papers printed in extenso:
- Protić D, Vujasinović-Stupar N, Bukumirić Z, Pavlov-Dolijanović S, Baltić S, Mutavdžin S, Marković-Denić L, Zdravković M, Todorović Z. Profile of rheumatology patients willing to report adverse drug reactions: bias from selective reporting. Patient Prefer Adherence 2016 ;10:115-21. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S96449. (IF 1,997, M22)
- Kardum N, Milovanović B, Šavikin K, Zdunić G, Mutavdžin S, Gligorijević T, Spasić S. Beneficial Effects of Polyphenol-Rich Chokeberry Juice Consumption on Blood Pressure Level and Lipid Status in Hypertensive Subjects. J Med Food 2015; 18(11):1231-8. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2014.0171 (IF 1,864, M22)
- Milovanovic B, Filipovic B, Mutavdzin S, Zdravkovic M, Gligorijevic T, Paunovic J, Arsic M. Cardiac autonomic dysfunction in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. World J Gastroenterol 2015 14;21(22):6982-9. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i22.6982 (IF 2,848, M22)
- Labudović Borović MM, Lalić MI, Borović DS, Zaletel VI, Mutavdžin SS, Bajčetić IM, Kostić VJ, Trifunović ŽZ. Structural features of arterial grafts important for surgical myocardial revascularization: part I – histology of the internal thoracic artery. Vojnosanit pregl 2015; 72(10): 914–921. doi: 10.2298/VSP140515079L (IF 0,310, M23)
- xs Gligorijevic T, Mutavdzin S, Djajic V, Miljkovic S, Paunovic J, Arsic M, Zdravkovic M, Milovanovic B. A novel approach in assessment of baroreflex sensitivity in syncope patients. The Seventh International Symposium on Neurocardiology and The Sixth International Symposium on Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Belgrade, Serbia, 16-17 Oktober 2015, Neurocard 2015:63-68.
- Milovanovic B, Mutavdzin S, Paunovic J, Milovanovic A. “Personalni pristup u lecenju hipertenzije i simpato-vagalni balans. Prvi kongres kardionefrologije i hipertenzije Jugoistočne Evrope “KARNEF 2013” Niš, Serbia, 9-11 May 2013 Kardionefrologija – zbornik radova
- Milovanovic B, Radivojevic V, Mutavdzin S, Simic M. The Heritability of Heart Rate and Personalized Medicine. Вестник челябинской областной клинической больницы, “Kлиническая нейрокардиология 2012”, Celjabinsk, Russia, 29-30 Oktober 2012, Вестник: 17-22
- Milovanović B, Radivojević V, Mutavdžin S, Milovanovic B, Krajnović T. The Analysis of Biological Signals and Genetically Determined Function of Autonomic Nervous System. QIM 2011 Round Table Knowledge Federation Proceedings, Belgrade, Serbia, 2 September 2011, Zbornik radova: 245-248
Awards and recognitions:
- April – June 2014: Scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia for PhD students
- October 2013 – March 2014: Scholarship for highly talented students of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
- 2012-2014: “Studenica foundation” scholarship
- 2012-2013: “Dositeja “ Scholarship for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia
- 2012: Scholarship of the Medical Faculty in Belgrade and the Serbian-American Chamber of Commerce Houston in cooperation with “Texas Heart Institute” Houston
- 2012: Fund “Prof. Dr. Zivojin Sudarov” scholarship for achieved success during studies at the Faculty of Medicine
- 2010-2012: Scholarship from the Republic Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Artistic Youth, Serbia
- 2008: Award of the Endowment of Nikola Spasic to the best student of the Faculty of Medicine for exemplary academic achievement during the first year of studies
- 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012: Student of the year award of the Faculty of Medicine for outstanding performance in the first, second, third, fourth and sixth year of studies
- 2008-2010: Government scholarship of the Republic of Serbia